#138 – Basic Hydraulic Calculation Tips

Math Formulas and Figures

By Jacob Raines We know that learning higher math concepts can make you feel a little queasy. Not knowing the math basics needed for hydraulic calculations is intimidating and lack of confidence on top of that can keep you from advancing to the next level in your career. If you…

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NICET Covid-19 Update

News from NICET Pearson VUE testing centers (NICET’s testing facility) begin reopening May 1, 2020! CPD COVID-19 Recertification NICET will allow enhanced flexibility for certification holders to accumulate CPD points in order to maintain active status. The following guidelines shall apply: If you become unemployed as a result of COVID-19…

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#133 – Demystifying Firestop

Alejandro Uribe, PE, CFPS, CET Learn the basics of fire-stopping and how to choose the correct solution Firestop Applications. Photo courtesy of the International Firestop CouncilNothing is trending more these days than talk about the coronavirus. Did you know that fire protection measures may help contain the spread of diseases?…

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