Success Guarantee

We know preparing for a NICET exam doesn’t happen overnight. Fire Tech’s programs are designed to guide you every step of the way. If you have followed our NICET prep program, and have taken the exam within thirty (30) days of successfully completing your course* and do not pass, Fire Tech Productions will provide the following support:

– Evaluation of your exam results to uncover subject matter weaknesses;
– Recommendations for improved exam preparation & testing; and
– Extended access to appropriate prep course(s)

Students must contact Fire Tech Productions and restart their study within ninety (90) days of failing the exam.

*Our courses are guaranteed for exam success when students who possess the level of experience (corresponding with the certification requirements) have studied each lesson & taken and passed each quiz/exam within each level of training, up to and including their exam level. Students must have also used current NICET-permitted references for their study and exam.

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